Sunday, October 5, 2014


"In order to become avid and enthusiastic readers who get pleasure and information from reading, children must develop fluency." -(Classrooms that Work)

     Modeling behavior is so important for kids who are learning how to read. Reading aloud to kids can be the first step in developing children's fluency where they can at least learn what fluency sounds like. Finding easy material and having students read and re-read that material is also important for developing fluency. Finding material that is interesting to the student helps create a desire to read rather than reading something that is boring to them.

Echo and choral reading are other great idea for developing fluency. In echo reading, kids can echo sentences at a time after their teacher or even their parents at home. In coral reading you can divide students into groups and have each group read a part in a script, or a book. 

     I found this activity on Pinterest and loved it! With this activity you read every word in a box in one breath. This is a great way to practice saying words fast which will in turn help fluency in reading! It is also a fun way for students to participate- kids love to be silly and I think this incorporates an aspect of silliness in it (:

     Another great way to incorporate fluency in the classroom is to have a sight word wall. This can be set up according to preference, but as for me I think I would like to make the sight words and the caterpillar bigger so that students would be able to read it from across the room. 

Here are some questions to think about regarding fluency in the classroom:

1. What are other ways you can incorporate fluency in the classroom?

2. How are fluency and word recognition related?


  1. Kelly, I love the one breath boxes! I remember, as an elementary school kid, I loved competition in activities. This provides a way to try to beat his or her personal best while also learning the sight words!

  2. I love the quote at the beginning of your post! It would be a great way to explain why fluency is so important!

  3. I really like the idea of the "Word-a-pillar", especially because it would be a nice contrast to more traditional boards. Boards are used so often in classroom that something like what you provided would be a cool, refreshing alternative.
